Join the John Paul II Center for Theology of the Body for their annual Witnesses to Hope Celebration & Fundraiser, featuring popular TOB expert Christopher West! Doors open at 6 PM with food and beverage concessions for sale. Enjoy social time, exploring the beautifully renovated Orpheum Theatre, and pre-program entertainment beginning at 6:30. Featured program runs 7:30-9 PM.
We’re extremely honored to host internationally acclaimed speaker and TOB expert Christopher West. As President of the Theology of the Body Institute, Dr. West’s global lecturing, best-selling books, multiple audio and video programs, and popular podcast (co-hosted by his wife Wendy) have made him one of the world’s most recognized teachers of St. John Paul II’s Theology of the Body.
Your ticket purchase supports the mission and work of the John Paul II Center (and is tax deductible!). Our mission is to spread the Good News of love, sex, marriage, and the body—truly the Gospel fleshed out—to a culture so in need of learning the truth, beauty, and goodness of the Catholic faith, especially as taught by St. John Paul II’s profound work, Theology of the Body. Come discover how we do this, with your help, through our objectives to form youth, equip adult leaders, and evangelize culture.
This event is best suited for ages 14 years and up.